Brev från Kevin
Nu är vi hemma igen från vår tredja Kenyaresa med projektet. Allt har gått bra och det var jättekul att träffa alla där nere igen! Alla våra ungdomar i Nairobi mår bra och de trivs med sina skolor och utbildningar. Vi hade två fina veckor tillsammans med ledarskapsutbildning och idrottsläger i Nairobi och Mombasa. Vi har haft massor av intressanta diskussioner och samtal samt massor av fysisk aktivitet; simning, snorkling, dykning, fiske, löpning, dans, volleyboll, fotboll, brännboll mm. mm. Våra vänner tackar alla sponsorer för ert fina stöd!
Här är ett brev från Kevin där han beskriver en vanlig skoldag för er. De andra har även de skrivit brev men det var fel format så vi lägger ut dem så snart som möjligt.
I wake up at 5am in the morning to prepare my self, have brake first early so that i reach in school by time cause of the transport to school we usually have rough time when we go to school cause of allot of people in the bus stop i usually use 310ksh for bus fare every day to school and some times its become more expensive cause of the rain or police operation.
the lessons start at 8am for two hours and then brake of 30minutes and go back for another two hours then we brake for lunch for one hour after lunch we have another two hours, i like practical lessons cause it keeps me busy and know a lot about the cars and the makes, my best friend is Richard and martin cause we usually go together in school and in the same class we also help each other during particle lessons i like all my class mate and teachers, my day at school end at 4pm in the evening i go to the bus stop and it will take me like two or more hours to be home cause of the traffic jam, i reach home at around 6or 6:30pm in the evening am staying alone i used to stay with my friend so when i come home i have to take a shower go to the cyber cafe to look at my emails and talk to friends, after that i go home prepare my dinner or i eat in a hotel.
my family stays far my mum is far away so i usually see them once in a while. what i usually do when am home is to do my home work and to listen to music.