Vi välkomnar alla som är faddrar eller är intresserade av att bli faddrar till vår sponsorkväll på Bredsands skola.
Ni kan också komma till Kultur Magasinet och se deras föreställning Lördagen den 10/12 kl. 14.00.
Eller titta in på In Gallerian tidagen den 20/12 kl. 16.30 och 17.30.
Wayo Wayo är hos oss från den 2 december till den 4 januari. De kommer att åka runt på 12 olika skolor i Sundsvall för att ha dansworkshops. Vi kommer också att ha ett ledarskapsläger under jullovet.
Welcome to a sponsor evening
Wednesday 14/12 kl.19:00
meet the youths from Wayo Wayo
Now we invite you, your family and friends to an evening where you have the opportunity to meet the four youths Richard, Sara, Kevin and Antony from Nairobi. This is a special night for those who already are involved in sponsoring our school project or are interested in becoming a sponsor to one of the youths. It’s also possible to be a sponsor to Sara’s son Abbi but he will not be present this evening.
This evening we offer a taste of African cuisine, a chance to meet the Kenyan youths, seeing them perform and to try some African dance. During the evening there will also be an opportunity to buy Kenyan bracelets etc.
NOTE: Please let us know by the 7nd of December if you will come or not. Send an E-mail to: [email protected]
Price: 50 SEK per person /150 SEK for a family of four