New letter from Richard


   Hi and how are you doing with everything that you are doing? I hope all is well and all of you had a nice time.   I want let you know that I am doing good in Kibera.


 I will love to let you know that I will not be in Nairobi for three day, I will be going in Eldoret to some test for my mechanic skill. This trip to Eldoret the school or I can say the garage that I am doing my lesson will be responsible for everything to get us there and also to come back in Nairobi too. It will be very hard test but I know that I will pass. The exam will start on 24th of this month and ends 26th, on 27th we will be back in Nairobi again.


  I will like to tell you that I have been having two youth groups here in Kibera, one youth group have been selling and also cooking crisps so that they can at-list get something to eat. And the other group is not well settled but am trying all I can so that every parson can achieve his/or goals in life. I am doing this because of the police in Kibera, they have been killing youths almost every day. like today one of the youth in Kibera has been killed, and no one know how and why. This are the thing that I want all the youth to be as one thing. And also this are the main thing that I wanted to came in Sweden too. I'm sorry to tell you this, my eye are with ties as I'm writing this letter to you.


  If you see that you can help me with my idea please do so and I with all the youths will be very very THANKFUL or you can also tell your friend about this.


 She has given you a very big thanks for what you have done for her and us too,
now we can say that we have a place to call home.

New letter and pictures from Sara

Dear Sponsors,
I am writing in regards to my school. I am doing fine and my son Abbi is fine too. I am now studying at the University of Nairobi's main campus. I am doing bachelor of arts in Education. My study subject is Linguistic and English literature. We are about 800 students taking a common units and about 90 in Literature class. The University is quite big and has modern tech facilities which facilitates easy learning. Next month I will be sitting for my first yeat examination and in August I will be begining my second year of the study. Learning has been fun so far except that we are given huge work load with includes assignments,term papers, research and presantations. That only requires extensive reading to be able to achieve good grades. Abbi is doing well in school too. I talked to his teacher a while ago and she said that his class work and performance are good. I was suprised the other day when he came home and started counting numbers 1 to 10 in french:-) I told the teacher that maybe learning two languages would corrupt his English but she said they only learn the basic so it wont be a problem. The only challenge I have at school is finding internet to be able to execute my task. All in all we are very greatlful for the continued support. Thank you all and be blessed:-):-)

Sara sent us these pictures from Abbis graduation 16/11 2013.

Hi to you all,

I am hoping you are all doing fine, We are doing fine as well and thankful for the life brought this far. I am writing in regards to Abbi's school performance. The third term of this years school calender came to an end last Saturday the 16th of November with the preschooler graduation ceremony grassing the day. Abbi was among the graduates and he did exceptional well in the end year exams. He has been promoted to standard 1 come January next year. This means that the schools have closed for December holidays. I have attached copies of his certificate and school report from his teacher for your perusal. Thank you and have a wonderful festive season:)




Saras letter June 2013

Dear Sponsors,
I am writing in regards to my school. I am doing fine and my son Abbi is fine too. I am now studying at the University of Nairobi's main campus. I am doing bachelor of arts in Education. My study subject is Linguistic and English literature. We are about 800 students taking a common units and about 90 in Literature class. The University is quite big and has modern tech facilities which facilitates easy learning. Next month I will be sitting for my first yeat examination and in August I will be begining my second year of the study. Learning has been fun so far except that we are given huge work load with includes assignments,term papers, research and presantations. That only requires extensive reading to be able to achieve good grades. Abbi is doing well in school too. I talked to his teacher a while ago and she said that his class work and performance are good. I was suprised the other day when he came home and started counting numbers 1 to 10 in french:-) I told the teacher that maybe learning two languages would corrupt his English but she said they only learn the basic so it wont be a problem. The only challenge I have at school is finding internet to be able to execute my task. All in all we are very greatlful for the continued support. Thank you all and be blessed:-):-)

Visiting Kenya Easter 2013


Sorry for the late response but it have been busy days since we got home both for us teachers and also for the youths in the project with their school and some of them have graduated.

When we were in Kenya we started our leadership program with some sports activite days with the children from St. Cathrines school in Kibera. The first day was abit challeging since we got many very small children but we all did the best of the situation and ended up having a lot of fun together even if we had to adjust the exercises we had planed to do. The next day when we met the older children from the school it was easier and very fun too. It was good to see the Swedish youths and Kenyan youths lead the younger children in such a good way and they really had good teamwork all together.

In Mombasa we had our leadership camp and each day we had discussions about different topics regarding leadership in some way. And we also talked alot about childrens rights and equality. In Mombasa we also had the chance so try many different sports activites like swimming, football, vollyball, go cart and rugby. And during the warmest hours of the day we also had time to chill abit, suntanning, reading or playing games like ludo or othello. Of coruse we also danced and listening to good reggae music too. Richard brought his computer and his speakers so we were very happy :)

Ann and Camilla

Brev från Sara, Richard och Camilla

Dear sponsors,

Happy new year greetings to you all, hoping you started off 2013 well. Im fine and thankful to God for the life brought this far. It is my pleasure to let you know that I secured myself a place at the University of Nairobi last year in December. Like i mentioned earlier in my previous letters, I had placed my application and was only waiting and hoping that am among the selected successful candidates. I am now a student at the University of Nairobi taking a degree in Education with study subjects being English and Litterature. I was also privilaged to have been accompanied by Camilla Friberge who attended the registration and orientation session at the campus. I am only half way to completing the full registration process. I have an admission number and currently attending classes. The pending registration process that needs to be completed include, having a medical report filled and signed by a doctor, an affidavite signed by a lawyer and completion of the fee balance for the first semester.
I like my current school so far and all i have to do is excel in my studies to graduate with first class honors.
Abbi is fine too and is now in pre unit level, he has a new teacher now and still loves and enjoys going to his school. We are both grateful for the continued support. Thank you



Good evening to all my Sposors for Swenden? I hope you all had a great time on Christmas and New Years Eve!!! I had a great time with Camilla and my friend too on Christmas and New Years Eve, we celebrate at my place and everyone was very happy.

I wanted to write this Email to you long time but we got a very big problem at home, my family has been surffering alot, my mother was thrown out of the house because of the rent. please please if you guys can do something to help my mother I will give a very BIG THANK more than ever in this world.

For my school I will love to move it, I'm just waiting for a call from where I was schooling before, they will call me for my certificate to look for another school again. So my plan is to go to school for one or two more year depending on what school I will find. I will apply for a new school in some weeks and want to learn more about vehicles.



I got home two weeks ago after spending Christmas and New Year in Nairobi. I had a nice time with my friends during my stay there and I got to see how they celebrated the holidays. The thing that most reminded me of Swedish traditions was when we had a gingerbread house competition at Kevins. It turned out to be more difficult to make the houses then I expected since it was so humid. We had to be creative and we had alot of fun. Of course all the houses where very nice, it was tough so I am proud to say that my team won the competiton ;)

When I was at Richards one day me and Antony had the chance to meet the new youths that have joined our project. They showed me what they have been doing during the fall, like dancing, singing and some acting and we also had the chance to talk.

I followed Sara to register at her new School, the University of Nairobi. She have now started with her studies to become a teacher :)

On Christmas day me and Sara was at Richards together with all the new youths and they had been cooking food all night long so many children and youths came and got something  to eat.  

I also met Paul who was in Kenya to visit his family and friends for the holiday.

Now I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that we in the tinge tinge project will be able to come back and visit Kenya and all our friends in the end of march.




Letter from Antony: My progress

> It has been a good and wonderfull experience being attached at
> an international airport in nairobi.During this time(six months
> attachment)has been realy challenging and which needed alot of hard
> work n percervierence because i was working during the night and it
> has been of great help and knowledge to me.
> My next expectatio is to go to a flying school of which i need
> more sponsors to this.To your knowledge the flying school has got
> three classes which after every completion you get a pilot licence,the
> AIR TRANSPORT PILOT LICENCE.Having all this you can be able to fly any
> plane.It is to my wish that you help me get all this.My attachment
> ends this december.Now i have one more final exam thats for the
> licence exam which i want to do before the elections which will be in
> march 2013.

Latest news from Kevin!

I would like to thank all my sponsor for the support for my education for the two years i have been in school for mechanics and it has been so much fun and i didn't have rough time to go to school. I did my final exams and it was good. For those two years i have really enjoyed school and know i have a lot of experience. I would like to continue with my studies but am planning to go stay with my fiance next year in Sweden. Maybe i will continue from there and i want to thank so much Ann Danielsson, Camilla Mansolahti and tinge tinge project for taking me and the rest this far you realy changed our lifes thank you and God bless you all
I want to apologize for sending the letter late.

New letter from Sara and Abbi

Hi again, all the youths are doing fine now. Sara has been sick for some time but are now feeling well again and about that you can read in her letter. Richard and Kevin are now having final exams and they are doing excellent. We are very proud of them! Now when they finished their exam they will also write us letters about their progress and future plans. Antony is still having his attachment at the airport and he is doing fine. We are also expecting a letter from him before Christmas.

Camilla is going to visit all the youths for Christmas and New Year. She will leave 14th of December and return in the beginning of January. If you want to send something to the youths talk to Camilla before she leaves.

Information to all the sponsors about next years payment will be sent to you in a separate letter that will be sent in a E-mail in January.

We are most thankful for your support in our school project.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  

Dear Sponsors!
I am hoping you are all fine and of good health! I am doing fine just recovering from typhoid and Abbi my son is alright to:-). Just to update you on his progress in school,i must say he has greatly improved alot,in his school report that i recieved at the end of the term,he can recognise and write numerics from 0 to 100,he can do simple addition and subtraction,has mastered names of the alphabets and sound,he can read three letter words and simple story books as well as speaking in English. His teacher acknowleges that he is very active, participates well in class and shows lots of interest in science. School are on December break and the boy has been promoted to pre-unit(next level of elementary education) on my side i have since sat for two international exams and got my results,i had a pass in both papers and am currently revising for my final exam that is scheduled for 8th of December. Bussiness french class has been an interesting and challenging area of study,in my case interesting in the sense that i have learned a lot in business world,i have also develope both analytical and critical approach to my area of study and challenging since the terminologies are totaly different from the general french i had done earlier! I can say for sure that am ready and well prepared for the exams! I was in Bukina faso for a month for a choreographic residency where my dance project was selected during a dance workshop in Nairobi. While i was there i had made an arrangement with my teacher who was kind enough to send me school notes online. As much as i was creating my dance piece i had spared 2hours in the evening to catch up with the notes and study at the same time! Mean while i had a pplied for admission at the university of Nairobi to persue degree in education and am still waiting to hear from them. Am thankful for the continued support. May God bless you all!

Letter from Camilla and Kevin

Hey everyone!

Now I have been home for some weeks after my last visit to Nairobi. I went there this summer to visit our friends and I had a great time as usual :) This time I visited Kisumu too and an old time favorite Mombasa.

I stayed at Sara’s place with her and Abbi and they are both doing great. Abbi is growing so fast and this time he did speak to me in English which was very nice since my Swahili is not that good at all. Abbi is doing great in school and I know Sara will soon write more about that on our blogg. Sara is still studying French and will finnish that course in December.

Antony is also doing great and are now doing his attachment at the ariport in Nairobi. He work there several nights a week. So right now that is taking most of his time.

Richard is fine too and are doing his attachment in a garage. He have some time left at his attachment before he will do his exam in December.

Kevin is fine and he have just finnished his attachment and will now soon come to Sundsvall for a month. Most welcomed to Sundsvall Kevin, from all of us in Tinge Tinge. Looking forward to see you around.

Greetings from Camilla

Here you can read the letter from Kevin.


I would like to thank all my sponsors for taking me this far. As you know I was in attachment for 3 months and it has been successful, I have learn a lot and have got good skills. This semester we practice and rehearse what we have learned so far in school, I have been granted a permission from school to this work in Sweden. So I am bringing my books to study for my exams, and will be in Sweden from the 29 of September and staying for a month with my fiance. I met  her when I was in Sweden December  2011. She has been here during the summer. We had a lot fun and got to know each other better, she got the chance to meet my family, relatives and friends. Now when I'll be coming to Sweden I will get the chance to meet her family, friends and relatives. 

 From Kevin Mose


Brev från killarna: New letters!

Jambo! Hejsan allihopa!
Nu har vi fått brev från killarna. Här kan ni läsa om deras skolgång och de är så tacksamma. Idag fick vi även den glädjande nyheten att Antony fick den praktikplats han sökte och han ska börja imorgon! Så kul! Alla våra vänner mår fint och hälsar. Camilla ska åka ner och hälsa på dem i Nairobi snart. Hon åker den 18 juli så om ni har någon speciell hälsning eller vill skicka ett brev med henne så går det fint. Richard skriver i sitt brev om att han behöver köpa egna verktyg för att använda i skolan så är det någon fadder som vill bidra till detta går det utmärkt att sätta in det på vårt konto och skriv då verktyg, tack! Eller så åker ni ner till Nairobi med en verktygslåda! ;) .... =)
Glad sommar på er alla!

This is my second month in attachment for mecahical and its called kick motor service, it has been a great experience in attachment seen i had to know alot from different cars and how to handle costumers, i usually wake up at 6am prepare so i can be at the attachement on time it abeat far from school. i work from 8am to 6pm or atimes i finish at 8am if we have alot of work and has been good the manegement has been good to me i dont get paid but they appriciate my work, and i would like to appreacite for the surport that you have given me everyday that passes i gain something and i feel important to the communitry 
from kevin mose

Dear sponsors, I hope you are all doing very fine. I will love to wish you all a very wonderful week.
I'm doing very much fine in school, we have been opening engines and other part of a moto vehicles. The only problem I have in school is the tools. Tools is the most important thing to have in a garage. Without tools is hard sometimes but not always, because I can borrow my friends or even school. I'm requesting if it's possible for you to help me with the tools, I will be very much thankful.
I was also going for for a driving school and now I have already did the final exam. It was excellent, I'm just waiting for driving licence now.
What I know and for sure, I will never let you down for all the thing you have dan for me. You have dan a lot in my life, I don't know I will ever pay you back, but I will make sure that I have achieve my dreams.
Thank you all....From Richard Ouma
I am delighted and happy to write again and so greatful in my heart,i
got my diploma certificate of flight dispatch officer and waiting to
do the licence exams because the KCAA that's the kenya cival aviation
authority says that you can not do the exam without having attained
the age of 21 yrs old and having done a minimum of three months
attachment.I have been taking my CV'S to various companies which one
of them named EUROCRAFT had called and i had an interview with
them,after one month they called me to ask if i had the certificate of
good conduct which i had to take from the C.I.D headquarters.After
getting the certificate i informed the company which am then currently
waiting for their reply.I will be very much happy if i get to do my
attachment with the company to which i will start having going towards
my goal in my dream in life,in future i would love to train and be a
pilot.I will keep you informed about my progress.thank you From Antony Mwendwa

Glada nyheter från Nairobi!

Jambo! Hej!
Vi fick just reda på att Richard nu har klarat sitt körkort!!! Han har jobbat hårt med det i två månader nu och har nu körkort för både personbil och lastbil! Så kul och vi har gratulerat honom! Vi önskar honom nu lycka till på sin praktik där han snart ska börja. 

Vi fick idag brev från Sara som ni kan läsa här i bloggen:
Dear All,

It is my pleasure to write to you in regards to my schooling and Abbi's. We are both fine! Currently am in my final year of my diploma course in bussines french. I still have regarly classes on weekdays,though i now have the same classes in the evenings! Basically with that shift of time i have ample time to use the school facilities during the day. At my current level we are tackling subjets on enterpreuneuship,marketing, presantations and matters around world of business. I enjoy it alot and it feels empowering:-) i therefore have 3exams to sit for this year! I missed an exam that i was meant to sit for in March due to un avoidable circumstance and so it has been reschedule for December 8th. The other two exams are in August and October. I am still working hard to be well prepared for the examinations. I also have an interest to pursue a teaching course at the university of Nairobi when i complete my business french course. I believe with a degree

course in education backed with my knowledge of french, i will be in a better position to secure myself a job as a teacher. My interest is teaching english literature, french and dance. Abbi on the other hand is doing well in his work. He can now communicate in simple english and above all i still see he's growth developing gradually. All i can say is he loves school alot and gets excited whenever he's leaving home for school. Last term he did great in thier school evaluation test and his teacher remarks that he's an active kid in school and participates fully in class,he doesnt shy from answering questions. That would be all for now. Wish u well :-)



Hej alla faddrar! Film och T-shirts till er!

Projektet rullar på! Ungdomarna mår bra. Sara och Abbi går i skolan som vanligt. Richard går i skolan nu men börjar snart sin praktik. Kevin har redan börjat sin praktik som fortgår över sommaren. Antony söker fortfarande efter en praktikplats på en flygplats och har en plats på gång nu, säger han. Ungdomarna håller på med ett brev för oss faddrar nu som vi lägger ut på bloggen så snart vi får det.
Vi är några faddrar som varit ute på "fadderjobb" med att städa virkesavlägg åt SCA. Vi tackar för alla sådana jobb som ger oss bidrag till fadderkassan. Tack till er som ställde upp på detta jobb! :)
På Nationaldagen har vi i Kenyaprojektet ett marknadsstånd på torget (vid turistinformationen). Välkommen och handla fika hos oss!

Nu har vi ett erbjudande till er faddrar:
I vårt projekt i har vi spelat in en film om ungdomarnas liv. Filmen är ca. 45 min. lång och handlar alltså om Sara, Abbi, Richard, Kevin och Antony. Det är intervjuer och bilder från deras hem och skola. Det är Simon som filmat den i Nairobi i nov. 2011.
Filmen kostar 100 kr
Vi har även T-shirts att sälja för 100 kr
De är tryckta med Undugo milele- vänner för evigt
Pengarna går till fadderprojektet. Det behövs mer pengar i projektet då buss och reskosnader ökat samt då kronkursen nu är svagare mot Kenya shillingen.
Maila Ann om ni vill köpa film eller T-shirt.
Vänliga hälsningar
Ann och Camilla

Foton från Kenyaresan 2012

Fler brev från ungdomarna i Nairobi

 Hej igen!
Här har ni breven om en vanlig skoldag från Antony, Richard, Sara och Abbi:

From Antony:             
I wake up at 4:30 am i take a shower and prepare myself  and head to the bus stop at 5:30 am to board a matatu and this i do it thrice a week and the other days i wake up at 5:30 am and go to the bus stop at 6:30 am in order to avoid traffic jam.most of the days i don't usually take breakfast i do it at school at 10:00am at break time.

                 My classes always start at 8;00am in the morning  and one lesson is 1 hr up to 4:00pm in the evening.i do 13 subjects and my favourite subject are navigation general,principles of flight, aircraft general knowledge,flight planning and meteorology because these are the main subjects that you need to make your base with in flight operations.we have best of lecturers who are experienced in the line of aviation and one of them is my idol who was a captain in the kenyan airforce that challenges us and motivates us to do flying after the flight operation and doing flying one day is my dream.

                  Our lunch is at 1:00pm and at these times i ussually go and have french fries bt not everyday because you must finance the 10000ksh for two months which is not enough because the bus fare has gone up and you need to plan it well because the buses do hike up the busfares when it rains and in the mornings and evenig going back home.

                   My classes end up at 4:00pm in the evening and at this time i rush home because of rush hour and traffic jam so that i will be home at around 5:45pm or 6:00pm so that i relax my mind from a long busy time at school.i have a cheerful family whom we do chat and make jokes oftenly during in the evening and when taking dinner.when everybody has gone to sleep and after i have relaxed i do take my books and study from 10:00pm to 12:00 midnight because at this time i have humble time to study and it's also very quiet at night..

                   On weekends i do study for two hrs and do other activities like going to wayo wayo for dance training,listening to music,watching football and playing football..and also any other of my activities fall in the weekend because i have to study hard and get the pass mark of my subjects which is 70 prcent in all of them...that's the schedule for everyday of my school days..thank you so very much.









From Richard:
Hi to all of you? I hope you are all doing fine what ever you are...

   Okay fast I'm going to talk about how I'm going in school,

    I use to wake up at 5:30 and I reach school in 7:30, and the lessons start at 8:00. Same times I don't take breakfast  when I'm going to school, I only take it two times a week. and also lunch I take it like every day and dinner too, but it is very hard here to gate a lunch and dinner every day in kibera.

  for the bus fare it has come to the wast part, I have been using 310 per day for the bus fare. It is very hard even same times I try to run all the way to school with out eating anything at home.

In school we are doing four lesson. I have so many friends in school, and they are really good friends to be.

    we end lesson 3:10 and going home at 4:00. In the evening I do my homework if I have some homework to do. My family are really doing fine and they were really happy to have Ann and Camilla at home.

              Thanks allot for your help, you have been very kind to me. I don't really know how to pay you bark

                                                May you all live long life....




From Sara and Abbi:

  I am glad to let you know that am fine and doing great! I am on the other hand pleased to inform you that am doing alright with my classes. I am currently talking two sessions that is business french and general french. Its a packed schedule and by the end of this month I will be done with one session after which I will sit for an exam. I am well prepared and I hope to do well:)

  On a normal school day I walk up at 3am or 4am depending on the workload I have from school.I am generally an early riser. I then study for approximately 2 hours. After which I take a shower,prepare breakfast then at 6am I start preparing Abbi for school.we both have our breakfast at around 6:30am and by 7am Abbi's school bus picks him up for school. I then leave for school almost immediately. with heavy traffic jam in the city I usually spend 1 or 2 hours on the road depending on the flow of traffic. I get to school around 9:30am and my first class starts at 10am till 12noon, the second class starts at 12 to 2pm. on Tuesday and Thursdays i have the business class in the evening which starts at 5 to 7:45pm, On Monday's  Wednesdays and Fridays After school I study in the library till evening,sometimes I attend dance sessions if there is any performance am working on. I leave for home at 7 in the evening and it takes me 2 hours to get to my place. When I get home I have to help Abbi with his school homework,have dinner then if I have pending school work I finish it up. I go to bed usually at around 11 after having prepared Abbi's school uniform for the next day.

  On weekends since I dont have school i wake up at 6am on Saturday,I go for yoga session at 9am and at 1pm am back home to do some house cleaning and laundry. In the evening I sometimes make my bead works,do new designs and I love it a lot. I also have a blog for my design called On Sundays I go to church with Abbi and in the afternoon we visit my sister or friends or sometimes just chill at home.

 The best part of my study's at school is the conversational session , presentations and debates.




Brev från Kevin

Nu är vi hemma igen från vår tredja Kenyaresa med projektet. Allt har gått bra och det var jättekul att träffa alla där nere igen! Alla våra ungdomar i Nairobi mår bra och de trivs med sina skolor och utbildningar. Vi hade två fina veckor tillsammans med ledarskapsutbildning och idrottsläger i Nairobi och Mombasa. Vi har haft massor av intressanta diskussioner och samtal samt massor av fysisk aktivitet; simning, snorkling, dykning, fiske, löpning, dans, volleyboll, fotboll, brännboll mm. mm.  Våra vänner tackar alla sponsorer för ert fina stöd!
Här är ett brev från Kevin där han beskriver en vanlig skoldag för er. De andra har även de skrivit brev men det var fel format så vi lägger ut dem så snart som möjligt.




I wake up at 5am in the morning to prepare my self, have brake first early so that i reach in school by time cause of the transport to school we usually have rough time when we go to school cause of allot of people in the bus stop i usually use 310ksh for bus fare every day to school and some times its become more expensive cause of the rain or police operation. 

the lessons start at 8am for two hours and then brake of 30minutes and go back for another two hours then we brake for lunch for one hour after lunch we have another two hours, i like practical lessons cause it keeps me busy and know a lot about the cars and the makes, my best friend is Richard and martin cause we usually go together in school and in the same class we also help each other during particle lessons i like all my class mate and teachers, my day at school end at 4pm in the evening i go to the bus stop and it will take me like two or more hours to be home cause of the traffic jam, i reach home at around 6or 6:30pm in the evening am staying alone i used to stay with my friend so when i come home i have to take a shower go to the cyber cafe to look at my emails and talk to friends, after that i go home prepare my dinner or i eat in a hotel.

my family stays far my mum is far away so i usually see them once in a while. what i usually do when am home is to do my home work and to listen to music.


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